Trusted AI Development Company

AI Software Development Company

As a leading AI development company in India, we have experience in developing custom AI software. Our solutions help businesses work smarter, innovate faster, and improve their processes. We have a talented team of over 50 AI developers, and we have been in the IT industry for over 15 years. So far, we have successfully delivered 150 software products and over 50 AI solutions across various industries. Our services cover everything from AI consulting to full-scale development. We're not about one-size-fits-all solutions – we tailor our AI tech to fit your specific business needs. Let's team up and build AI-driven business software solutions.

AI Development Company India

Artificial Intelligence Development Services We Offer

We are one of the top AI development companies in India. We use AI to help your business do better. Our tools use smart tech like deep learning, machine learning, computer vision, and language processing. These help us make AI solutions that use data to improve how your business runs.

AI/ML Strategy Consulting

Want to use AI in your business but not sure how? We can help. We will work with you to figure out the best way to use AI for your needs. Our team listens to your business problems and comes up with a plan that fits your goals. We help you put that plan into action and keep helping you get the most out of AI as you use it. Our focus is on making sure the AI tools we build solve your problems and help your business grow.

PoCs and MVP Development

We carefully craft Proof of Concepts to validate your AI app's feasibility. Our team then designs MVPs with core features for real-use validation and powerful market entry. We follow an Agile approach to quickly iterate and refine your AI solution based on real-world feedback.

Custom AI App Development

As a reputed AI software development company, we have experience in creating AI-powered web and mobile apps tailored to your unique business needs. We engineer every aspect of your solution, from user interface to algorithms, ensuring optimal performance and responsible innovation. Our developers have experience with AI technologies and frameworks, which helps us develop custom AI apps.

Fine-tuning Large Language Models (LLMs)

Do you want to implement LLMs into your business solutions? We have expertise in fine-tuning LLMs to meet your business requirements. Whether you want to improve performance in business apps or get a competitive edge, we help you to achieve your objectives. Having expertise in various LLMs, such as GPT, BERT, and T5, we can customise these models to meet your industry-specific needs.

Generative AI Development

Whether you want to develop a generative AI model or looking for generative AI-backed solutions, let us help you. We have experience in LLM models like GPT, Llama, and Gemini to build powerful Generative AI (GenAI) solutions. Our generative AI solutions help automate content creation, improve customer interactions, and streamline various business processes.

Data Engineering

Our data engineering team helps you from sourcing and cleansing to structuring and enrichment of data. We build the base of AI models via data mining, analysis, annotation, labelling. Our data engineers make sure that your AI models are built on high-quality, relevant data, maximising their accuracy while working.

AI Integration

We integrate AI applications into your existing workflows to meet your established processes. Our AI team offers a smooth transition with minimal downtime to improve efficiency and drive innovation. Our AI developers work with your IT team to make sure that our AI-driven solutions perform at best with your current systems.

Enterprise AI Development

Transform your business with Rushkar's customised enterprise AI solutions. We offer consulting, custom AI development, deployment, and advanced data analytics implementation, to meet your unique needs and provide a competitive edge. We offer enterprise software to scale with your business.

Facial Recognition Software

At Rushkar Technology, we create cutting-edge face recognition systems using deep learning models like CNNs and Siamese Networks. Our products provide accurate face ID instant facial feature spotting, and trait analysis fine-tuned to work well on small devices. We add life detection and model shrinking methods making sure our systems are safe and run in many different uses.

Predictive Modelling

We use ML algorithms and DL architectures to forecast future trends and outcomes. Our ML team uses methodologies including extensive data preprocessing, ensemble methods, and automated machine learning techniques. We validate models using advanced techniques like k-fold cross-validation, to create applications in regulated industries.

AI as a Service (AIaaS)

Our AIaaS platform provides scalable, cloud-based AI solutions integrated into existing systems. We use restful APIs for various AI functionalities, containerized microservices for easy deployment, and automated model retraining pipelines. Our platform uses advanced security measures and cloud-native technologies for high availability and cost-effectiveness. We offer options for on-premises deployment and federated learning capabilities.

AI Product Development

From ideation to deployment, we offer end-to-end AI product development services. We use rapid prototyping, custom AI model development, and integration with user-friendly interfaces. Our process involves MLOps practices for smooth deployment and maintenance, including CI/CD pipelines, version control for datasets and models, and A/B testing.

Why Choose Rushkar Technology?

Expert AI Professionals

Our team of skilled professionals has expertise in advanced AI technologies and a proven track record of successful implementations across diverse domains. Our team of AI developers is always up to date with AI technologies and their space.

Extensive Experience in AI

With over 15 years of experience in AI development, we have developed AI products for multiple dynamic and use cases of different industries. Our portfolio spans various industries, describing our versatility and strong understanding of different business contexts.

We Prioritize Speed

Our streamlined processes and agile methodologies ensure the timely delivery of AI projects without compromising on quality. Our project management approach allows for flexibility and rapid iterations to ensure that your AI solution evolves with your needs.

End-to-end AI Development

From initial consultation to system integration and ongoing support, we provide AI development services tailored to your specific needs. Our 360 degree view approach ensures that every aspect of your AI project is handled with expertise. We use technologies like Python, Lambda, Power BI, and Azure to develop solutions on top of the latest technologies.

Hire Dedicated Developers

Hire AI Developers

  • 40 Hrs / Week
  • Daily Update
  • Microsoft Certified
  • *Starting from $20 / Hr

Our Other Services

Our AI Development Expertise

  1. Machine Learning : We use machine learning algorithms to build powerful data analysis and prediction capabilities, including recommendation systems and predictive maintenance tools. Our machine learning solutions have helped businesses across industries improve decision-making and operational efficiency.
  2. Deep Learning : Our deep learning expertise allows us to create solutions for intricate data analysis tasks like sentiment analysis and language translation. We have successfully implemented deep learning models in areas such as image recognition, natural language processing, and anomaly detection.
  3. Predictive Analytics :With the use of statistical algorithms and ML techniques to predict future trends for behaviours for strategic decision-making. Our developed predictive analytics solutions have helped businesses in finance, retail, and healthcare to anticipate market changes and customer behaviours.
  4. Natural Language Processing :We develop NLP-powered solutions for sentiment analysis, language translation, and other human language processing tasks. So far, we have developed chatbots, voice assistants, and text analysis tools that enhance customer interactions and automate content processing.
  5. Data Science :With our AI expertise and data science knowledge, we offer comprehensive data science services, from data cleaning and analysis to interpretation for extracting valuable insights to drive informed decision-making. Our data scientists work with your team to identify hidden patterns in your data.
  6. Computer Vision :Our computer vision experience enables the extraction and analysis of visual information from images and videos, powering various applications across industries. We have developed solutions for facial recognition, object detection, and quality control in manufacturing.
  7. Business Intelligence and Analytics Dashboard Using AI :We create AI-powered dashboards that transform data into actionable insights, combining visualisation, real-time analytics, and predictive forecasting. These solutions use machine learning to display metrics and predict trends. And, you can even detect anomalies to streamline decision-making according to your needs.

Our Process for Developing AI Solutions

As an AI app development company, we follow a structured process to develop AI-driven solutions tailored to our client's unique requirements. Our approach ensures the delivery of high-quality, efficient, and scalable AI solutions. Let’s look at our AI development process:

Initial Consultation and Needs Assessment

We start by understanding your business objectives, pain points, and specific AI needs. Through detailed discussions and analysis, we identify key opportunities where AI can create value and align our development strategy with your goals.

Feasibility Study and Solution Design

Our team conducts a feasibility study to evaluate the viability of the proposed AI solution. This includes checking data availability, technical constraints, and potential risks. Besides that, we design a detailed solution architecture that specifies the AI models, technologies, and methodologies to be used.

Data Collection and Preparation

Data is important for AI development. We help gather and preprocess the necessary data by ensuring that it is clean, accurate, and relevant. This step involves data collection, data cleaning, data transformation, and validation to build a foundation for model training.

Proof of Concept (PoC) Development

We create a Proof of Concept (PoC) to validate the feasibility of the AI solution. The PoC demonstrates core functionalities. This allows us to provide early insights into its effectiveness. Afterwards, we gather feedback and make necessary adjustments before proceeding with full-scale development.

Model Development and Training

Our data scientists and engineers develop AI models using advanced machine learning and deep learning techniques. We train these models using the prepared data, optimising for accuracy and performance while addressing specific business requirements.

Model Validation and Testing

We conduct detailed tests of the AI models to ensure they meet performance standards. This includes techniques like cross-validation and stress testing to evaluate the models' accuracy, reliability, and generalisation to real-world data.

Deployment and Integration

Once the AI solution is validated, we deploy it into your production environment. Our team ensures smooth integration with your existing systems and workflows, minimising disruptions and ensuring that the AI solution works seamlessly within your operational framework.

Monitoring, Maintenance, and Continuous Improvement

Post-deployment, we continuously monitor the AI solution to track its performance and address any issues that arise. We provide regular maintenance, updates, and enhancements to adapt the solution to changing business needs and technological advancements. This ongoing support ensures that the AI solution remains effective and relevant over time.

Our Business Models

Full-Time Hiring

8/hours per day, 5 days/week
Email, Skype, Phone, MS Teams, Slack
Hiring Period
Minimum 1 Month

Part-Time Hiring

4/hours per day, 5 days/week
Email, Skype, Phone, MS Teams, Slack
Hiring Period
Minimum 1 Month

Hourly Hiring

Email, Skype, Phone, MS Teams, Slack
Hiring Period
Minimum 1 Week

Industries We Have Specialisation in AI Development

Banking and Finance

Reconstruct financial apps, automate analysis, and enhance decision-making with AI-powered solutions. Our AI models have helped financial institutions detect fraud, assess credit risk, and personalise customer experiences.


Analyse customer behaviour, improve inventory management and enable personalised recommendations. We have developed AI solutions that have helped retailers optimise pricing strategies, predict demand, and enhance customer loyalty programs.


We develop AI-backed healthcare solutions that can diagnose, offer data-driven recommendations, and propose personalised treatment. Our AI applications in healthcare have assisted in medical image analysis, patient data management, and predictive analytics for disease prevention.

Supply Chain and Logistics

We develop AI solutions to automate data-related tasks, facilitate invoice processing, and enhance customer experience. We have developed AI software solutions that have optimised route planning, improved demand forecasting, and automated warehouse operations for logistics companies.


Streamline quality control, enable predictive maintenance, and optimise supply chain operations. Our AI implementations have helped manufacturers reduce downtime, improve product quality, and optimise production schedules.


We develop AI solutions that Improve vehicle design, safety features, route optimization, and predictive maintenance. Our AI teams have contributed to the development of autonomous driving systems, vehicle health monitoring, and personalised in-car experiences.

Managing AI Wisely at Rushkar Technology

At Rushkar Technology, we believe in harnessing the power of AI responsibly and effectively. Our approach ensures that businesses can rely on AI solutions that are smart and also aligned with their specific requirements and goals. We follow the below pointers to use AI wisely.

  1. Rigorous Testing Before Scaling : We begin with detailed testing in controlled environments. Our AI solutions undergo extensive validation, including A/B testing and stress tests, before any large-scale deployment. This approach minimises risks and allows for fine-tuning based on real-world performance data.
  2. Prioritising Business Value : Our AI initiatives are always anchored in tangible business outcomes. We work with stakeholders to identify KPIs and ensure that every AI implementation directly contributes to business growth, efficiency, or innovation.
  3. Detailed Business Process Decomposition : We carefully break down complex business processes to identify areas where AI can have the most significant impact. This approach allows us to target AI implementation, optimising specific workflow components rather than forcing wholesale changes.
  4. Implementing an Ethical AI Framework : We implement a robust ethical AI framework that addresses bias, fairness, and transparency. Our AI solutions are designed with built-in safeguards to ensure responsible use and compliance with ethical guidelines and regulations.
  5. Ensuring Continuous Learning and Adaptation : Our AI systems are designed with feedback loops that enable continuous learning and adaptation. This ensures that AI solutions evolve with changing business needs and remain effective over time.
  6. Promoting Human-AI Collaboration : We understand the importance of human-AI collaboration. Our solutions are designed to augment human capabilities rather than replace them. This encourages a symbiotic relationship between AI systems and human expertise.

Our AI Development Technology Stack

As a leading software development company in India, we follow below technologies AI software solutions.

Deep Learning Frameworks TensorFlow PyTorch Keras
Modules/Toolkits scikit-learn NLTK OpenCV
Visualisation Tools Matplotlib Seaborn Plotly
Programming Languages Python R Java
Cloud Providers AWS Azure Google Cloud
Frontend React Angular Vue.js
Backend Node.js Django Flask
Big Data Apache Spark Hadoop Kafka
Our Testimonials

Our Clients Say it Best

We always try to get in to our cusotmer's business and figure out what is the best fit for their, and results are below....

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs Regarding AI Development Services
Can AI solutions be integrated with legacy systems?

Yes, we have experience integrating AI solutions with legacy systems. We develop custom APIs and middleware to ensure communication between our AI models and existing infrastructure. Our AI developers and engineers team is skilled in various integration patterns and can work with a wide range of legacy technologies.

How do you ensure the interpretability of its AI models, especially for critical decision-making applications?

Being the best AI development company in India, we prioritize model interpretability, especially for critical applications. We use techniques like SHAP (Shapley Additive exPlanations) values and LIME (Local Interpretable Model-agnostic Explanations) to provide insights into model decisions. For complex models, we develop custom visualization tools to help stakeholders understand the decision-making process.

Can you develop custom AI hardware solutions for specific use cases?

While we primarily focus on software solutions, we do have experience in optimising AI models for specific hardware architectures. We can work with hardware partners to develop custom AI accelerators or optimise existing models for specialised AI chips, ensuring maximum performance for specific use cases.

Can you develop AI solutions that work in offline or low-connectivity environments?

Yes, we specialise in developing edge AI solutions that can operate in offline or low-connectivity environments. We use model compression techniques to create lightweight versions of our AI models that can run on edge devices. For intermittent connectivity scenarios, we implement local inference with periodic model updates and data synchronisation.

What kind of data is needed for AI development?

The type of data needed depends on the specific AI application. Generally, it includes historical data relevant to the problem you're trying to solve, such as sales records, customer interactions, operational logs, or any other relevant datasets.

How do you handle data security and privacy in AI projects?

Data security and privacy are paramount in AI projects. We follow stringent data protection protocols, use secure data handling practices, and comply with relevant regulations to ensure your data is protected throughout the AI development process.

What ongoing support is available after deploying an AI solution?

We provide continuous support and maintenance after deploying an AI solution. This includes monitoring performance, addressing any issues, updating models, and making necessary adjustments to ensure the solution remains effective over time.

Ready to Implement AI in Your Business?

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn how our proven expertise and tailored solutions can help your organisation. Get benefit from our expertise and use the full potential of AI for better decision-making, increased efficiency, and a competitive edge. So lets talk to us via Chat, Our average reply time is 45 Seconds only....